become the strongest at your gym

Go from 'I lift weights' to unreasonably strong.
The reason most people are stuck in their training is simple: most programs lack a comprehensive approach that addresses all aspects of athletic performance - from programming and technique to nutrition and recovery. Without this holistic view, it's nearly impossible to achieve long-term successes unless you're the absolute genetic elite.

I've been where you are right now. Training is sometimes good, sometimes it sucks, but one thing is for sure - lifts are NOT going up at the rate you want them to. The truth is, until you get a solid protocol in place and the supporting structures around it, you're going to stay stagnant for years to come.

Everything at ASC Performance is built to fix this. It's my way of helping as many people as possible to get strong by ensuring that every aspect of your training is optimised for maximum strength (and jacked-ness).

1. Go through my free resources

I have multiple free resources, designed to help you. 14-Strong (free 2 week course), ASC Performance App & community 28 day trial, tons of content on my Youtube and Instagram account. Check these out and see if you resonate with my approach.

2. Decide if you need a coach

Coaching is not for everyone. It's an investment into your goals, realistically if you're not in a position to commit and follow through with coaching, then it's not for you.

3. Apply for coaching

I have 2 coaching options available, scroll down for more information on each.

4. Get Started

Sign up, new athlete form, download coaching app.

Within 24 hours I'll make contact & I'll get you brutally strong.

There are 6 elements that you have control over, which impact your performance.

Training, nutrition, sleep, recovery, psychology & health.

To optimise progress, first, you need to each of them from a -10 to 0 in each, then we can get you from 0 to 10.

Some people are at a 9 with training, but -5 in everything else, thats a total score of -16, out of a possible 60...

Chances are, if you're reading this, you're nowhere near 60/60 in your protocols.

All coaching at ASC Performance aims to get you operating at your maximum potential, 10's accross the board, based aroundHeadline your lifestyle.

Coaching options

1:1 Coaching

Full support and the most comprehensive coaching available.

Team Coaching

Programming & regular technique reviews.

No blogs found

What does it cost?

ASC Team Coaching - £29/month or £290 for the year (saving £45.80).

ASC Premium 1:1 Coaching - £229/month or £2290 for the year (saving £458).

If you're not sure what the best option is for you, fill in my enquiry form HERE and I'll get back to you.

Why is Team Coaching free for 28 days?

This way, I can help more people get strong. I know a large portion of my audience are in their early 20's, this way I can at least help them out for 4 weeks. Obviously I can't keep it free forever... Also, I'm confident that if you join and get involved, you'll stay around for a long time after.

Who do you work with?

If you want to get stronger and more jacked - I can help. Powerlifting prep, or just general strength training. If you want to get leaner AND get strong, then I can help. If you just want to be lean, I'm not the guy for you.

Is it you that writes all the programs, or is it staff?

100% of my coaching, is me! The only things I outsource are the boring tasks.. content editing, admin, ignoring Youtube comments...

What if I have a specific medical condition, injury or illness?

Submit an enquiry form and we can have a chat. I am a medical doctor, but not practicing in a medical capacity through my online coaching services (I will not prescribe you medication).

How do you communicate with your athletes?

Team Coaching - everything is through the members portal (available on mobile or desktop).

BBB & Premium, telegram for 1:1 chat. Either ASC Performance App or Google sheets for coaching (your choice). And calls via whatever is most convenient for you.

How strong do I have to be to start?

You don't. All you need is access to a barbell and rack. Ideally you have an idea on how to perform basic movements, but if not, no problem - I have a comprehensive exercise library so you'll be confident in what you're doing. You can also upload your technique for weekly review too...

When can I start?

Team Coaching -> Immediately. After sign up you'll get 2 emails, one for the training app login and the other for the members area.

Premium Coaching -> Generally speaking within 5-10 days, depending on how complex your situation is. If you have a set date in mind, email me: [email protected]

What equipment do I need?

Ideally, a barbell, plates, squat rack and bench. Anything less than that isn't really gonna be practical for getting ridiculously strong.

Does the coaching app work on both Apple & Android?


I'm Dr. Adam Sawyers; Strength Coach, Medical Doctor, Gym Owner, Competitive Powerlifter, and general strength enthusiast.

Over the past 15+ years, I've successfully competed in both Powerlifting and Judo, and have helped hundreds of athletes become unreasonably strong.

For years, I've seen strength athletes get nowhere with conflicting advice online. Many of them, including myself, have literally smashed their heads against the wall in search of progress. The frustration of receiving so much conflicting advice led me to create ASC Performance.

ASC Performance started with me coaching a handful of friends, helping to get them strong back in 2009. It then progressed to where I specialised in coaching strength athletes, eventually I opened my gym in 2017. Over the next 7 years at the gym, I (along with my incredible team) coached hundreds, if not thousands of people with various goals. However, realising I was limited in how many people I could help in a fixed location, in 2024 I sold the gym to focus entirely on my single passion: helping as many people as possible get jacked, massive, lean and most importantly - STRONG.

ASC Performance and everything it encapsulates is designed to teach a comprehensive framework on a strategic and tactical level that put the fundamentals of health and performance in place, allowing strength athletes to excel physically and mentally.

I've condensed everything I've learned in 15+ years, into my coaching practises so you can:

- Finally stop inconsistent training and program hopping (so you actually get STRONG instead of staying a low level lifter).

- Sort out your poor nutrition and lifestyle habits that are holding you back from actually being jacked to go alongside your lifts going up.

- Stop getting stuck and plateauing on lifts that are not yet at an elite level (nobody should be stuck benching 87.5kg forever...)

- Accurately manage your training and recovery, at an appropriate level for you, so you stop getting injured and taking one step forwards and 3 back.

Don't get me wrong, I can't promise you'll be deadlifting 500kg, you might not have the genetics for it, but if you're stuck struggling with 4 plates a side and want to get to 6, or even 7, then I can help you.

If you're looking to get as strong as possible, then I've got a few ways I can help you:

1) Read the articles shared on this site.

2) Watch the videos I've shared on Youtube/Instagram.

3) Join my FREE 14 day strength course (14-Strong).

4) Book in a consultation to discuss your needs.

5) Join the ASC Performance App + members area.

6) Work with me 1:1 as your coach.

Become the strongest guy in your gym


  • 100% FREE guide to get you STRONG

  • Understand proper Training & Nutrition

  • Learn the 6 performance pillars

  • Individualised technique analysis

  • Custom programming recommendations

  • No payment/card details required

By checking this you agree to be contacted via the methods above about my services. I will NEVER share your information with others.